
Showing posts from July, 2019

Sodom and Gomorrah

Why Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Their Story of Sin in the Bible Editorial Staff 2019 18 Jul The  Bible  Story of Sodom and Gomorrah The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a cautionary tale of the destructive consequences of sin. Sodom and Gomorrah were cities mentioned in Genesis, notorious for their flagrant sin.  Genesis 18:20-21  states, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.” When Abraham learned of God’s plan to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, he asked God if He will spare them if He can find fifty innocent, godly people. God reassures Abraham that if He finds fifty righteous people, he will spare the city for their sake. Moses then asks about a lesser and lesser number until down to ten people as God answers, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it” ( Genesi...

"Praying for You"

How to Say "Praying for You" and Really Mean It Cally Logan Author “I’ll be praying for you” is a common phrase used in church. Whether it be with friends, or in life, but what does it mean to really mean to be praying for someone? What does it mean to not just talk the talk, but to pray the prayer? Prayer is perhaps the most intimate action of our relationship with God. Through prayer we come before the Creator of all that is, was, and will be. We come into the presence of the Almighty God, the One Who has the power to part seas and raise the dead. Though we cannot control most situations we will offer prayer for others, we can seek the One Who can make a difference. Here are some simple steps to think through before you use the phrase "praying for you". Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/MangoStarStudio Have a Sincere Heart When You Tell Someone You'll Be Praying A sincere heart is the root of meaning something. The position of y...

Christ Is Returning

9 Reasons We Know Christ Is Returning John MacArthur Grace to You Scripture is neither vague nor equivocal on the promise of Christ's return. A large portion (by some accounts, as much as one-fifth) of Scripture is prophetic, and perhaps a third or more of the prophetic passages refer to the Second Coming of Christ or events related to it. It is undeniably a major theme in the prophecy of both Old and New Testaments. And regardless of what the scoffers say, Jesus is coming (2 Peter 3:3-10). World history is barreling toward the conclusion that God ordained. It isn't an end that will come as a result of nuclear war, environmental irresponsibility, or alien invasion; it is the one that comes by the purpose and plan of God, foretold in Scripture. Make no mistake--Christ will return! Here are nine reasons from Scripture by which you can know that Christ is coming again. Photo courtesy: ©Unsplash 1. The Promise of God Demands It The Ol...