I know the Word!

As a pastor, I'll get upset, frustrated, at myself for not being able to quote "an exact chapter & verse" of a biblical principle I'm trying to share. But, I don't look at scripture verse by verse. I try to include every verse in context, with it as it applies to scripture in its entirety. So, rather than looking at, or quoting one verse, my mind is thinking of thirty verses.
Anyway, I began this post with this in mind: I can know every scripture in the Bible. I can randomly quote chapter and verse on the spot. My scripture memory can rank among the best. I can be that scripture wiz kid! (Motive?)
But, you know what? Unless I am growing. Unless I am Changing. Unless I am growing closer to God. Unless I am allowing the Word to build me and cause Christ-like behaviors in me, then the Word is Useless to me.
I can know and quote all the scripture I want, and still, go to hell. Even Satan knows the word (Matthew 4) (2 Timothy 2)
2 Timothy 3:5 having a form of godliness (i.e. knowing the Word) but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
What is the complete meaning of "Abundantly" in John 10:10 or "Judge" in Matthew 7:1 compared to 1 Corin. (look it up in the Greek) A simple point: A word in "Your English Translation" can have ten (10) different meanings in the Greek.
That is why you have pastors, leaders, etc. No man can be self-taught. And that is why simply knowing and quoting scripture is not enough. (James) (Psalm 119).
But, DO study and know the Word 2 Timothy 2:15
May the Word change you daily,
Pastor Gregg Crisp


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