The way you see your life shapes your life. We’re tempted to see ourselves as everyone else does. You know the way it goes. You see yourself as broken and beaten up. You see yourself as an addict or former addict. You see yourself as a failure. If that’s what you believe about who you are, you’ll never become who God wants you to be. How you define your life determines your destiny. That’s one of the reasons why, when John Baker first started Celebrate Recovery®, he didn’t ask people to identify themselves by their addictions. Instead, in Celebrate Recovery, participants each identify themselves as “a believer who struggles with” a specific issue. There’s a huge difference between the two. Your identity isn’t your sin. Your identity is in your Savior . Don’t let the ugly words in your past (or even in your present) define you any longer. Other people may see you as broken and damaged goods. But that’s not how God sees you. I don’t know where ...