LGBTQ "I will accept all people in the LGBTQ community, or that are LGBTQ. However, accepting does not mean I will endorse or enable their lifestyle. I believe that marriage is to be between a man and a woman per God's design. I will not waiver from that. However, just because you may be LGBTQ does not in anyway devalue you. You are a person with value, gifts, and talents. Created by the same God that made me. He loves you just as He loves me. Sin entered the world and man/wo man have perverted God's design in many ways. But no sin, wrongdoing, is any worse or better than any other. Sin, wrongdoing, going against God's design, is sin. Murder, lying, hate, bigotry, sexual perversion, etc., are all sin in God's eye. And there are no varying degrees with God, they all are wrong, sin. I can say, I know, even I have sinned today. Hence, (because God loves us so much) Jesus Christ came into the world and bore all our sin, wrongdoing, for us -undeserved grace and merc...
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