FOCUS: We must change our focus if we expect to get stronger and overcome sin. Often times we focus so heavily on NOT doing something that we immediately do what we were not going to do. Why? Because we are so focused on the issue, the problem, and not the solution, we can't help but give into it. "NOT' is/can be a negative. 
  1. "I'm not going to lust" rather than "I Will meditate on your Word so that I might not sin against you."
Words have power. Words are Important to God! And guess what, without trying to sound new-age or have claim-it spirituality, we are what we confess. We are what we claim to be. We are what we think.

If all you think about is Not doing something you're going to do it -because it is all that's on your mind.

It will take practice, but say "My body is a temple of the Holy Ghost" instead of "I'm not going to have fleshly desires." 

Take your focus off of the sin and onto good.


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