"Worship is a cruciely important act of singing praises and of giving honor to our God. God desires and longs for our worship through instruments and song. But worship goes beyond singing songs of praise, worship and thanks: Doing our best, daily, to live our lives as Christ did is an act of worship: attending church faithfully is an act of worship; giving of our time, talents, gifts and money are all acts of worship.
Worship brings us into the presence of God. Are you feeling happy? Shout praises to God. Are you feeling lonely, depressed, hurt, sad, betrayed, ressentful, bitter, unforgiving and angry? Put on some Christian praise and worship music, or just start singing your favorite worship song, and I guarantee your mood and attitude will improve greatly.
Worship, through music, is an important part of my
relationship with Jesus and part of my daily routine.
Below are some of my favorite worship songs.
Just hit the play button and enjoy." -Pastor Gregg


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