Unjustified Anger

Unjustified Anger Aggressive sinful anger is an out of control response to emotional impulses that are often fueled by wounds from our past and motivated by retaliation. Assertive righteous anger is a controlled anger initiated by a mental response to a godly impulse and motivated by the conviction of the Holy Ghost to educate for the purpose of repentance through rebuke. A great deal of our aggressive anger stems from feelings that we are being victimized. Bottom line is yes, we are victims; but here is the reality that should help dissolve our anger into self remorse (not to be confused with self pity) because this is a remorse for what and who we really are and hopefully would lead us into a repentance resulting in a humility toward men and a meekness toward God. The reality that makes our aggressive anger unjustified is that we are victims of our own selves and little happens to us that we do not deserve and even less happens to us that we are not fully responsible for, leaving no room for self pity or the blame game. Jesus accepted the responsibility for the sins of the entire world so my cross to bear is to accept the responsibility for the sins of myself and all sins against me within my small sphere of influence. When I accept the responsibility for sins against me the forgiveness is spontaneous resulting in a calm, joyous freedom that is inexpressible. After we accept full responsibility for our predicaments any anger should then be directed toward ourselves, leaving us then the added responsibility of forgiving ourselves, which is every bit as important as forgiving others. This self evaluation described above is also the ground work for when God calls us into a relationship with His Son Jesus Christ, to begin building upon ‘His’ foundation and acknowledging that only by His authority is goodness produced in our lives. God is the author of 'all’ that is good and everything else has Satan’s and our trademark. Praise our Father for His Grace! When we receive Jesus Christ and receive His Spirit we become coworkers for truth and share in the authorship of good in our lives; let us not forget however we are still the authors of all the 'bad’ in our lives. Jesus Christ experienced anger, yet without sin, and even when ungodly men reviled Him He did not retaliate with ungodly anger nor was He offended by their condemnation. What offends us puts a ceiling on our love. When we are honest with ourselves we will be ashamed at how low our love ceiling sometimes becomes. The ceiling of Jesus Christ’s love reached all the way up to the throne of God in Heaven as did Steven’s love as he in like manner by the power of the Holy Spirit prayed as he was being stoned to death that his assailants be not charged with that sin. If we think we can conquer anger without Jesus Christ we are placing ourselves on His level, but not in truth, because He alone conquered sin. Our Lord, being sinless, deserved to ascend directly back up to the throne of Our Father in Heaven, but instead, for passions sake on our behalf and fulfillment of prophecy, He chose to suffer torture and a humiliating death in our place, taking the full responsibility for our sins upon himself and paid the full price of our condemnation spending three days in hells grave. The redemption of mankind by the atonement of His sacrificial blood is the Gift of Grace offered by Him and through Him and for Him to all flesh in their own time according to the will of Our Father who is not willing that any should perish but is merciful in His judgment that their rejection of Him should end in the second death, because it is not possible to enter into Eternal Life except through the gateway of Jesus Christ. Praise God for our freedom as His Slaves of Grace. Chaplain L Dale Johnston ‘Honey Badger’


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