
It is your choice as to whether your thoughts will be constructive or destructive, positive, or negative. The bottom line is that we all have choice. We may not fully like the consequence of our choice, but we have a choice. Unless someone is holding a gun to our head (and even then, we have a choice) no one can make us do anything. Unless we relinquish all power to another person or thing (and even that is a personal choice) no one has the power to control how you react, your attitude, your response. You are 100% responsible for your attitude, behaviors, actions, and the consequences of said choice. Others may greatly influence you. But no one can force compliance on you or your choice. Only you can and do make the decision to follow, agree, and comply. Also, only you can choose to go your own way. It is easy to blame others for our choices, but bottom line, at the end of the day, only we, ourselves bear responsibility and personal accountability. God, nor any other man or woman can force us to do anything. God even gives us the freedom to choose: Will we serve Him or not? Unfortunately, people go to Hell every day because they choose to deny God. It must sadden God greatly, (see 2 Peter 3:9) but He will not force anyone to choose Him. Otherwise, we would all be robots. No, God gives us the freedom to choose our final destiny. Heaven or Hell? Eternal life in peace? Eternal life in torment? Sadly, many folks chose eternal life in torment. Joshua 24:15 But if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: That is a choice folks. Not forced compliance, but a choice you make. You may not think you have a choice, but in everything you have a choice.


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