Subtle Ways the Demons from Our Past Are Controlling Us
Subtle Ways the Demons from Our Past Are Controlling Us
1. You focus
on what has been done to you.
Focusing on what has been done to us keeps the experiences
alive in our mind, stirring up emotions, reviving hurt, fanning anger and
hunger for revenge, as well as making us see ourselves as “a victim.” Thus, we
label ourselves as a casualty, a person duped or tricked, a loser and fool,
quarry for sacrifice, a scapegoat for another’s sins. Putting on those identity
markers is crushing to spirit and can keep people from taking the first
frightening step toward recovery. If we see ourselves as “survivors”—people who
suffered greatly, but came through with body and soul alive, heroes who found
strength to cope and rise above the sins done to us—we can move ahead.
2. You focus on what you've done.
Focusing on what we've done often fills us with shame and
guilt. I know this was the case with me when I spent years looking back at my
abortion and the circumstances around it. Though not yet a Christian, I knew
and smothered the truth in my heart that I was doing wrong. The "solution
to a problem" brought shame and guilt which grew even stronger when I
married and became pregnant. My husband and I were excited from the moment we
knew I carried a child. When I suffered a miscarriage, we grieved. It struck me
then that the baby I aborted was as much a child as the one I wanted.
Celebrated from conception or not, a human life is a human life.
How did I overcome the devastating feelings of shame and
guilt? 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness." I confessed, I grieved, and I attended a nine-week post
abortion class through a local pregnancy counseling center with other women
suffering the same feelings I was. We came out the other side healed. I can
testify that God keeps His Word, or I would have carried the heavy,
heart-crushing secret to my grave.
3. You rely on conditioned coping
Relying on conditioned coping mechanisms is yet another way
we hold ourselves back. I have loved ones who are recovering or active
alcoholics. I learned unhealthy ways to cope, alternately mothering,
manipulating, managing, and playing the martyr. I knew what was wrong with the
alcoholic. He drank a substance that altered his personality. It took time to
realize I had a problem every bit as destructive: trying to play God over
another person’s life.
What was the answer? I acknowledged I was powerless. I
needed to stop trying to fix things and allow God to take over. Continuing to
love the person, I learned not to take responsibility for another person’s
life. This lesson applies to many situations in life. God is God and I am not.
Jesus calls me to self-examination, not to condemnation of others. I am
responsible for my thoughts and actions, no one else’s. My work is to realign
my life to His will. We all have the sin nature we inherited from Adam and Eve,
the desire to control our lives—as well as others. Trusting and relying on God
is essential to experiencing life abundant out of what life throws at us.
4. You try to overcome and heal in
your own strength.
Trying to overcome and heal in our own strength is one of
the more common ways we hold ourselves back. We set our minds on forgetting and
moving ahead, sure we can be or do better and make all things right in our own
strength. When we find ourselves right back in a similar situation or
relationship, we are surprised and demoralized.
A journey through 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles in
the Bible shows how a nation repeats history. The same is true of individuals.
We are not at fault for what has been done to us, but if we fail to examine the
past honestly and follow God’s instructions on how to be healed and live a
whole and fruitful life, we are complicit in repeating (practicing) the sinful
behavior. Holding on to the past often skews everything in our lives, from our
relationships with other people to our relationship with God. We are all ultimately responsible for the choices we
5. You set up idols.
Setting up idols can be an unconscious or conscious way of
replacing God. Idols used to be carved of wood or stone. Now, we idolize
celebrities, sports figures, our body image, sex, money, technology. Wherever
we spend most of our time and money is our idol. Inevitably, idols crumble.
Celebrities and sports figures change with the season. Our bodies grow weak and
wrinkled. Economies shift. Money evaporates. Possessions can be stolen or lost
in a fire. That new iPhone or entertainment system is obsolete within months of
buying it.
Idols offer empty promises. When tragedy or some
catastrophic event comes, most people know instinctively to cry out to God.
Only He is faithful. The question is: Will we stand firm and abide in Jesus or
waver and fall with the first breeze? If we stand firm and seek Him, He will
make sure we find Him. And when we do, we will experience the fulfillment of
what we long for: real, life-changing, eternal-lasting love.
Only the Lord has the power to free
your heart, mind, and soul.
The past is part of who we are. We need to pray for open
eyes and hearts as we examine honestly what happened and what unhealthy
patterns or coping mechanisms came out of it. It helps to talk with a wise and
faith-grounded mentor.
We all live through trouble and painful experiences, some
far worse than others. If we dwell on those things, we make ourselves captives.
When we make excuses, defend ourselves, trust in our own strength and ability
to outwit or outrun the enemy of our souls, we lose. The truth is only the Lord
has the power to free one’s heart, mind, and soul. Only He can be trusted to
bring beauty from ashes, light from darkness, and open our eyes to see our past
as a part of who we are while setting us free to live the beautiful, abundant
life He planned for us.
When we give our lives
fully to Jesus Christ, we begin the journey to becoming the person He created
us to be. We are God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus for good works
which He has already prepared for us. He is our true Father and our real home
is with Him, now and forever.
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