"If you take Romans 13 (and other scriptures) in Context: God did NOT choose Joe Biden. MAN choose Joe Biden (and will suffer the consequences of that choice.) God established 'AUTHORITIES" the office, the entities, etc. Not always a specific man. Man was given freedom to choose his leaders -God never forces compliance. Rather than God's leadership MAN sought a KING. So God gave man a king and said to follow his authority. 1 Samuel 12:11-13 Here's the good thing though, despite man's horrible choices, all through scripture, it can be seen, that GOD will bring GOOD from ALL -even man's most horrible choices. Allow God to move for GOOD. So, I put my Final TRUST in God. I will trust my leaders. But my FINAL TRUST shall be in God." Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Pastor Gregg


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