
Showing posts from 2021

Intro to my book

Introduction Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. You cannot twist scripture to fit you. Rather, you twist, change, you to fit Scripture. Now, please do not misunderstand, that is not to say that we cannot stand upon a certain verse and make it our own personal verse. And for our life, that most definitely can be a good thing when are applying it correctly. John 10:10 is a verse I stand on and apply to my life quite often. What I am saying is that we need to conform ourselves, our situation, to scripture. Then apply it to our lives. We would also do well to see the whole context in which it was written. Who was it written too? What is the Greek or Hebrew meaning of certain words? Is it figurative or literal? Is it a promise for all people past/present/future or ...


America's Morals and Ethic's... Ever wonder why our country is so far from God? Here is a clue... Rather than supporting and subscribing to services like PureFlex, people choose to subscribe to and watch ungodly crap like Netflix, Google TV, or cable. Crap-in and crap-out. A true statement! Do you not know that when you subscribe to things such as Netflix, you are in essence supporting sin. You are participating with them. Your money pays for their programming. No wonder our youth think that Violence, Sex apart of marriage, Drugs, and drunkenness' are okay -that is what they see and get from TV. Crap-in, crap out. Minds are being destroyed and Satin is laughing. As a personal choice and conviction I do Not/will never have subscriptions such as Netflix or Cable. I have PureFlex and I love it. Entertaining and godly and good enough for me. An example and my conviction! Ephesians 5:11 Do not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; Proverbs 4...

Matthew 7:1 in Context

Matthew 7:1 Out of Context: In the society we live in, people disagree over minor inconsistencies and then pull out this Scripture to note that they can do whatever they want when they desire, and no one should judge them. But shouting "Only God can judge me" is not holy, nor should it be used as a cop-out excuse to justify a misconstrued biblical theology. "Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1) In Context: In Matthew 7, Matthew writes a summary statement asking people to refrain from judging others around them without grave error or cause. Here, Biblical insights from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount deals with a call for righteousness over the Pharisees' intellectual decisions. While the Pharisees were preoccupied with the Law, they missed the Law standing in front of them, asking them to place away trivial affairs, and focus on what matters eternally (a relationship with Jesus!). With these commands, Jesus wanted to get to the heart of an individual...


“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said. Luke 7:43 It is okay to judge others, behaviors, characters, etc. Just use the "Non-punishing" type of judgement. Evaluate and come to a conclusion = Folks that equals judgement. And guess what, you, we, do it every day. Judge is not a bad word (except for those that don't want to be held personally accountable). Throughout the bible we are told to "Judge people, things, issues, etc. To prove whether they are good or not. How can I "Sharpen You" (Proverbs) unless I have reached a conclusion (judge) of your behavior?


We do not Conform to the world! The Church does not Conform to the world. I conform to God, His Word, and the church. The world Conforms to God, His Word, and the Church. It is not the other way around The Church does not conform to the world. A church is not meant to be a “feel good” place. A church needs to bring conviction, growth, and change. A church is a hospital for the righteous not a social club for the world. By all means come as you are, lost, sick, hurt, broken, We will accept and love you as you are, However, leave new, changed, No longer conformed to the world, Rather, conformed to God. Of course a church wants you to feel safe, happy, accepted and welcome, So we’ll provide coffee, water, maybe a snack, But we’ll not conform to your ways, participate in your ways, or promote them. People expect a church to be a church, A place of Transformation and growth –through new life in Christ. My Bible tells me... Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forev...


It is your choice as to whether your thoughts will be constructive or destructive, positive, or negative. The bottom line is that we all have choice. We may not fully like the consequence of our choice, but we have a choice. Unless someone is holding a gun to our head (and even then, we have a choice) no one can make us do anything. Unless we relinquish all power to another person or thing (and even that is a personal choice) no one has the power to control how you react, your attitude, your response. You are 100% responsible for your attitude, behaviors, actions, and the consequences of said choice. Others may greatly influence you. But no one can force compliance on you or your choice. Only you can and do make the decision to follow, agree, and comply. Also, only you can choose to go your own way. It is easy to blame others for our choices, but bottom line, at the end of the day, only we, ourselves bear responsibility and personal accountability. God, nor any other man or woman ca...