New Man

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
When you give your life to Christ you become a New person. The power of sin, wrong-doing, and death no longer can hold you. The past is just that, the past. The past can no longer cause guilt and shame. The past has no more control over you unless you choose to let it. You may have amends to make or consequences to face from your past, but you are no longer a slave to who you were or what you did. Evidence of the New Life in Christ should begin to appear in your Life, Character, and Behaviors. You, in truth, are beginning anew, as a baby. Learning new skills, what gifts and talents you have. Most Importantly, you are learning who God is and what He has for you.
Christ said it well, “I have come to give them life and give it to them in Abundance”. John 10:10b


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