CR Inside

My name is Gregg Crisp. I am the lead pastor of Next StepS Ministries. I am also the Wyoming State Rep. for CR Inside. I am writing today to introduce you to the Celebrate Recovery and Celebrate Recovery Inside programs.
I have personally witnessed so many people transformed and set-free by using the Celebrate Recovery tools and programs. Lives are being changed, families are being restored, and people are coming to God through Christ.
Celebrate Recovery, unlike other twelve step programs, does not just focus on one issue (say drugs), but Celebrate Recovery (CR) (CRI) focuses on the entire person and any “Hurt, Hang-up, or Habit”. The issue may or could be alcohol, drugs, porn, anxiety, food, anger, pride, control, lust, co-dependency… the list is endless. Celebrate Recovery gets down deep into our behavior and character defects.

Often times drinking, drugging, lashing out, excessive TV or video games, etc. are Band-Aids, symptoms of a deeper problem. We must address the “Why”. Once we address the “why”, for the behavior and character defects, we find that we no longer need the band-aid. By using and following the Celebrate Recovery Eight Principles we find Hope, Peace, and a New Life in God through Christ.

The best thing about CR and CRI is that we are drawn into a relationship with Christ and in Him we find the victory for our “Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits”. We find victory from our deepest behavior and character flaws.

I’ve been speaking in general of the Celebrate Recovery program. What I really want to focus on is the Celebrate Recovery Inside program. The CR Inside program/groups are reflections of the CR groups on the outside. The only difference between CR and CRI is that CR on the outside is in your communities. CRI is in prisons, jails, half-way houses, etc. Both CR and CRI use the exact same teachings and materials. CRI may have some facility differences, such as time, etc.

I’d love to tell you more about the CR and CRI Programs and how you can help fight Addictions, Behavioral and Character Defects. As a person that has (past) struggled with (alcohol) and still struggles with (Character issues) I can not emphasize enough the greatness of the CR Program. Nor, of the Power of God through Christ.

For more information, please contact us today! Next Steps Ministries 307.369.4255 or
Most Sincerely,
Pastor Gregg


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