Is an apology an apology when you also try to justify or rationalize behavior behind the apology? Hmm, NOT really! You are blaming your behavior on something or someone else. A good godly principle is: "Simply say, I apologize." and leave it there; no excuses, no pointing fingers. Bottom line, even if others behaviors or choices influenced you, YOU had the final choice!
Are You Living Out a Prosperity Gospel? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Emily Massey False teaching distorts the pure gospel and your view about God. It has been a problem for centuries, even in the early Church. But God has always raised up leaders and Bible teachers to shine a light upon the truth that sets people free from deception and the bonds of sin. In 2018, the Church is in desperate need for such leadership. There is a false gospel that has been gaining momentum and causing great deception across the world for decades that was birthed right here in America – the “prosperity gospel.” The prosperity gospel is a far cry from the gospel of Jesus because its roots are not grounded in the message of the Cross that gives new us new life in Christ. It originates from New Thought philosophy, which focuses on using your thoughts, declaration of specific words, and visualizations to attract what you want to happen in your life. The prosperity theology distorts the messa...
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