Book Censorship

"Wyoming Equality wants to Censor Books. They have an event coming up to push this agenda onto us and the LCSD. This is wrong on so many levels. Let's start with the US Constitution. Not to mention Biblical principles. I get it, they want fairness. But you cannot force me to accept the LGBTQ lifestyle. Nor, can I force you to accept Christ and the Godly lifestyle. I don't cram my agenda down your throat; so don't force yours down mine or my families. Simple, if I don't like or agree with a book I simply don't read it. God gives us choice, not force. I accept and will love ALL/ANY LGBTQ person, even though I disagree with that lifestyle, all/every life has value. We, America, have accepted the LGBTQ community. However, they are not above the law; nor do they deserve more rights and privileges than a "straight" person. If anything, in my eyes, you are only angering and pushing people away. Every Life Matters, Yours, mine, and the book writer." -Pastor Gregg Crisp


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