
Is My Faith Being Tested?
Trials and tribulations test our faith.
It’s easy to have faith when situations are comfortable but when challenges come…that’s when faith shows itself strong.

“You’re facing a challenge that requires sacrifice.”
Demonstrating faith requires a sacrifice. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac it required him to commit to what God was asking but to exercise faith along the journey. In this way God tests the heart to see if we are truly walking by faith or not.

“Wrestling fear of the unknown.”
God doesn’t always give us a play-by-play when He asks something of us. In most cases we have little to no information on what’s ahead. Forging ahead in faith, even in the midst of uncertainty, pleases God.

“Tempted to go ‘back to Egypt’”
This references the syndrome that the Israelites had once they were finally delivered from slavery in Egypt. When The Lord began to lead them into the wilderness, instead of relying on His providence and His character as God – they complained and wanted to return to Pharaoh’s bondage. If God delivers you out of situation, fight the urge to return and continue to walk with Him instead.

"Worry is warring against The Word of God"
The greatest weapon the enemy uses when your faith is being tested, is psychological warfare. Worrying is an indicator we don’t truly understand our connection with God. The mind and it’s logic has to be wrapped in the Word of God in order to yield to the spiritual realm of faith.

“Comfort becomes uncomfortable.”
God doesn’t mind coming after our comfort zones. These are areas where we may or may not have stopped relying on God and instead become complacent. When those rugs start being snatched from under us it could be a sign God is trying to see where our faith stands.

“Your flesh is cowardly; your spirit is fearless.”
The voices of our flesh will almost always war against new horizons that require a faith filled leap. We must go anyway. The Holy Spirit gives us a spirit that is designed to boldly rise to the occasion. Challenge the voices you’re hearing when God summons you to make a move. If it’s cowardly, it’s almost always a sign that your flesh is giving into fear.


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