Armor of God

Armor of God
The Armor of God is our defensive barrier against the temptations of the devil and the sword
of God’s living word is our offensive weapon whereby the darkness is overcome by the swift light
of truth. Ephesians 6:13-18 tells us of the Armor of God and our teacher, the Holy Spirit, gives
us deeper understanding about the attributes of the Armor of God.
Beginning then with the girding up of our waist with truth: it is essential, yea even critical that
we are bound up, supported, and committed to the absolute truth which is the Living Word
which has no other name under heaven except Jesus the Christ. On this point we must be
unashamed and closed minded, even to the point of death.
Next, we put on the breastplate of righteousness that our hearts are made new by the
conviction of the Holy Ghost to transform us with an unconditional love nature that bears
witness of our conversion and gives evidence of the indwelling Holy Spirit; because it is not
possible to love completely without His influence. This new capacity of Godly Love gives
strength to forgiveness which increases compassion which awakens a passion for the spirit of
Verse 15, "and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace” this
preparation is vital, for how can we fill the waiting ears with the mystery of the gospel unless we
studied to make ourselves approved? When we have indeed become a worker rightly dividing
the word of truth then with swift feet and a cloak of zeal we can fulfill the commission with
And above all, taking the shield of faith with which, we will be able to quench all the fiery
darts of the wicked one. It is by the strength of our faith that we believe God and trust God and
obey God. Every unbelief, doubt, and disobedience leaves holes in our shield of faith and Satan
has deadly aim to get through our defenses at these weak spots to tempt us into sin. Jesus shield
of faith had no 'holes’ therefore Satan’s temptations could not defeat him. This verse says we
will be able to quench all the fiery darts; but being able is being capable and being capable is
being equipped and being equipped is being trained in righteousness, and being faithful in
obedience exhibits a high level of spiritual maturity.
Now the Helmet of Salvation takes our thoughts captive for the renewing of our minds to
distinguish the good from the evil. That is to say when we put on the Hemet of Salvation, we
invited God to transform our thoughts to become like His thoughts, to let this mind be in us
which was also in Christ Jesus who came as a bondservant that we too with lowliness of mind
should esteem others better than ourselves becoming likeminded in our affection and mercy
toward one another.
It is in the mind whether we choose to surrender to authority or choose to claim authority.
Again, Jesus sets the example, John 5:19; “The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees
the Father do, the Son does in like manner.”
Our Armor began with girding our waist with God’s word as our defense against temptation
and now lastly but certainly not least we are equipped with the Sword of the Spirit. The word
of God is our offensive weapon to disarm temptation by the authority that is in His name only.
Jesus gave the example; after he had fasted forty days in the wilderness, he used the Sword of
the Spirit which is the Word of God to defeat Satan.
God’s Word gives His chosen one’s knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of their destiny in
His Kingdom and the desire to share that Good News!
Chaplain L Dale Johnston ‘Honey Badger’


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