Tithes and Offerings,like Salt and Pepper, are two (2) different things.
and God requires both!
See Luke 6:38 - Malachi 3:8

Notice the example of Abraham (Or the entire Bible).

A Tithe should go to your local church where you worship.

An Offering (and there are many types) should go to a ministry that you believe in.

And, yes, Tithe and Offerings are monetary. You need to trust God and your leaders with these.And, They are NOT your time, service, volunteering, etc. Hey, God said it, not me or Evident Church.

With that being said, Absolutely, you may give an Offering of your time, ears, etc. However, your volunteering, service, etc. should never be a substitute for your Tithes and Offerings!

This is, briefly, Evident Churches Position.

Money, it always angers people when we are told to give it away. So, we say, take it up with God. He gave the requirement.


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