ONE WORLD ORDER Only a few will understand and agree with this message......this letter was written for you. This message is a warning that the prophesied end times has begun with insight to recognize the devious deceptions of our enemy! Do you recognize the prophecy that is being played out on the one world stage? The entire world is a clueless pawn in this diabolical scheme of the Deceiver as he paves the way for the Antichrist to begins his rule of the one world order. I say the world is clueless because the dozens of primary countries that could offer resistance to this soon coming takeover are taken by surprise and without any plausible recourse on how to prevent it because they are inadvertently bringing it all to pass. This flu scare that Satan has put into the minds of the worlds Heads of State beginning in China is all about establishing power control over the masses through fear and panic. And oh how easy it was to bring the world to its knees with the threat of death. There have been many flu epidemics throughout history without turning the world into a panic state coupled with the economic devastation of millions; but this is evidence of the beginning of the end. Worldwide well over 155,000 deaths occur everyday; death is a necessary part of life. Mankind will never have control over death but that doesn’t stop him from playing god and attempting to control death. The greater tragedy is the economic devastation man caused in an attempt to control death; the people spared death by this virus will just die of other causes, our day of death is inevitable, no one escapes and at what cost would we attempt it. What of the countless businesses going under and our government going deeper into debt with these stimulus payments going to millions whose jobs were not even affected by this fiasco. Through this virus epidemic mankind has expressed focused concern for the welfare of everyone’s health. So noble, so caring on the surface but the reality is so outright hypocritical and downright evil it would be hysterical if it weren’t so tragic. Everyone is so distraught over the few hundred thousand that have died from the corona virus. Look at the measures man has went to to lessen the effects of this flu epidemic while condoning the abortion of 56,000,000 babies worldwide every year. How can mankind look himself in the mirror, declaring life as precious, while slaughtering millions of innocents. Cigarettes and alcohol kill millions and yet no pandemic is assigned to them, on the contrary, they are taxed for capital gain. Just how gullible are we willing to be in accepting that the main concern though this pandemic is for our welfare. As I stated earlier, the government’s aren’t in control of the ‘cause’ only the effects. There is an evil mastermind at work the government’s aren’t even aware exists. Stopping at the point of becoming hostile, because that would change nothing, I am against shutting down the world with masks and social distancing and putting millions into financial collapse. Just like Paul taught I’m ready and longing for the day of my death, and I suggest you get onboard and stand ready to be faithful for your death, because that’s what’s required to be accounted worthy of the First Resurrection. It is important to keep Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 at the forefront of our conviction, “there is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof are the ways of death.” The beliefs the world has concerning life and death are in total conflict with what Jesus and the Bible teaches concerning life and death. The world believes in the sanctity of life as being precious above all else and thus death is feared and hated above all else. The world believes the epitome of love is the sacrifices made to escape the consequences of death. These beliefs seem right to a man but they deceive mankind into making choices that will lead to devastation. God’s revelation on the life and death question however is so completely opposite of the world’s view that even many Christians are caught up in the false tolerance and false righteous judgment against any opposition to the preservation of precious life. There is a way that seems ‘so’ right to a man that even God must be wrong if He disagrees with it. But how could God possibly disagree, so the Bible must be misinterpreted. The worlds reasoning is all wrapped up in the belief that this life in this fallen world is precious! Let’s review scripture that refutes the worlds conclusions concerning life and death. We’ll learn from scripture that this fleshly life was created to be expendable; this fleshly life and its sinful nature is the threshing floor separating the chaff from the wheat.The chaff loves this fleshly life but the wheat hates this fleshly life and longs for the promised spiritual life to come. In the book of Revelations we learn of people as being ‘hot’, cold’, or ‘lukewarm’. The ‘hot’ are the wheat, (informed faithful believers) ready for the Resurrection, the ‘cold’ are the chaff, (not yet called), and the ‘lukewarm’ are believers surrendered to the ways of the world (chaff) and will join the chaff in being separated from the wheat. They will have opportunity to repent and receive salvation, just as the chaff will also, but the ‘lukewarm’ will not be in the First Resurrection. Satan has successfully blinded many of these truths because they are not taught in seminary’s or from the pulpits as a whole. What did Jesus teach concerning life and death? It is important to remember that man is not as God had originally created him being good and with a bright nature because after the ‘fall’ mankind became evil with a sinful nature. Jesus says in John 12:25, “He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” Also in Luke 14:26, Jesus says, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also he cannot be my disciple.” A more detailed explanation of these teachings are in other letters. So this life is not the goal, rather death and then the new birth of Spiritual Bodies is the goal; and that’s not referring to water baptism. Beware: because of our carnal nature the doctrines of man are more widely taught and easier to swallow. Embracing death is God’s doctrine; protecting life is man’s doctrine. What did Jesus just say, love your life and lose it... hate your life in this world and gain eternal life. Ecclesiastes 7:1, “the day of death is better than the day of one’s birth.” Philippians 1:21, “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Death is our gateway to our destiny. Again Jesus taught in John 12:24, “unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies it produces much grain.” Christians are not behaving like they believe in these teachings but are behaving like the world. Read Luke 12:46-48, many Christians will be cast out and receive their portion with the unbelievers. Their punishment will be much more severe than the unbelievers because those who received their calling will be held to a greater accountability. Do you understand the significance of Jesus directive in Luke 9:60, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and teach the Kingdom of God.” The main obstacle to understanding the doctrines of salvation is in believing the lie that this life is the only opportunity to be called. Very, very few are called during this lifetime to be in the First Resurrection and not all Christians will make it into the First Resurrection. Remember the five foolish virgins who were shut out? Satan’s success in preventing this truth from being widely taught by preachers has blinded many Christians. Bottomline, we always have the freedom to chose our allegiance: to trust God or to join the world and give in to fear. Because of conviction I chose to not join the world in fear and thus making concessions to the faithfulness of scripture and making compromising choices so as to appear compassionate to the world. Worldly passion and tolerance and love are not even comparable to Godly passion and Godly tolerance and Godly love. Many Christians are trying to mix oil with water. Here are my reasons for dropping out of programs that moved into ‘Zoom’ and why I canceled other functions requiring face masks and the like. One concession and compromise will eventually lead to another and then another. This pandemic is just the beginning of an ongoing chain of events. The world and most Christians are deceived into believing these episodes are bringing mankind into a stronger fellowship. The mark to enable man to buy, sell, or trade will not appear as an evil choice but as only one more concession and reasonable decision to care for one another. Some are teaching that the mark will instantly be recognized as evil and we need not concern ourselves about being blindsided by it.......... this is more of Satan’s deception. If this letter is inspired by the Holy Spirit, then we cannot tell God we were not told. If you expect to be faithful and strong unto death you best get your head out of the sand and start praying for discernment to recognize the whiles of the Devil. And if you don’t believe in the Devil you’re in big trouble. Speaking from experience; when we embrace death, our perspective on life and our faithfulness to our Christian calling takes on a completely renewed level of hope and trust in God’s promises with an unwavering assurance of our eternal destiny in the Kingdom of God. Chaplain L Dale Johnston ‘Honey Badger’


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